Mambo/Sunga is a district in the Usambara Mountains in Tanzania. The area has about 20,000Â inhabitants, spread over eight villages. Around 50% of the inhabitants is younger than 12 years old. Anno 2020, development is still essential at all levels and in almost every aspect. The majority of the people is living of agriculture. There is insufficient clean drinking water, poor education, poor health care and a lack of infrastructure.
MamboSteunPunt was founded in 2010. It is a Dutch foundation striving to contribute to the development of Mambo area by arranging funding for local projects.
MamboSteunPunt’s goal is to enhance the quality of life for people living in the area of Mambo. Not by aid, but by trade, education, transfer of knowledge and capacity building.
In order to reach this goal we support a number of NGO’s (Non Governemetal Organzations), CBO’s (Community Based Organizations, Schools. Clinics, enterpreneurs and other, by capacity building and funding. MamboSteunPunt is assisting by providing knowledge, means, and sometimes funds in order to outgrow poverty. MsP is active and monitoring on a day to day basis in the projects we fund.
Another partner is MamboViewPoint ecolodge. Herman Erdtsieck and Marion Neidt started this lodge in 2009, which serves as an economic base for local development in Mambo.
MamboSteunPunt is ANBI registered, which means as much of the funding as possible is invested in the projects and we meet up to the administrative duties of an ANBI foundation. This also means that donations to MamboSteunPunt are tax-deductable in the Netherlands
MamboViewPoint is an ecolodge located in Mambo, that strives for development in the area. The lodge shares our vision and mission and forms also the base for our volunteers.